Welcome to Shrubs Publishing

Unleash Your Masterpiece and let it be known as your living Legacy…

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Professional yet Friendly Staff

Happy Authors and Readers

Who we are

You write... We do the rest...

Shrubs is an independent publishing and marketing firm that was built to help authors hit the right target market and maximize book exposure…

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” –Stephen King

Smiling Young Team in Office
What we offer

Offering Service & Product

You’ll choose us as a partner in the task of publishing and marketing your book for the following reasons:

  • We will let you keep the reins.
  • We do not discriminate.
  • We will serve you with transparency.

Publishing Services

(Fulfillment and Design)

Marketing Services

(Traditional and Digital Marketing)

Get Published Now!

Contact us and we will assign you with a
dedicated publishing consultant and a marketing consultant.


What they say about us